Monday, October 12, 2015

7 Ways to Stick With Exercise

Staying fit is a super power, wellness-wise. Exercise can improve your energy levels, sleep quality, body composition, and overall health. While these perks are great, hectic lives can make sticking with an exercise program tricky. Simple shifts in your behaviors can help minimize these barriers, making reaching and maintaining your fitness goals almost as easy as pushing play.

Set reasonable goals. Start with activities that seem attainable and reasonably challenging, then set a goal to engage in that activity at least a few times per week. Most wellness perks, according to the 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, kick in if you do a minimum of 150 minutes of moderately-intense exercise per week. That’s just over 21 minutes a day.

Schedule it. Prioritize workouts in your calendar like anything else. Schedule routine sessions at times that make the most sense within your lifestyle. Many people find it’s easier to stick to an exercise routine in the morning while others find they have more energy in the afternoons. But neither is ideal if the time isn’t convenient for you. Experiment with various options until you find one that works.

Get the gear. Ideally, your workouts won’t require a lot of equipment. Regardless, stock up on whatever you need to get started and choose quality gear, especially when it comes to particularly important items, such as athletic shoes. Wearing colors and textures you enjoy may also help keep you motivated to suit up and head out.

Plan ahead. Prepare your gear ahead of time to prevent skipping workouts. If you schedule your workouts for the morning, set your fitness attire out the night before. If you plan to exercise on your way home from work, pack a workout bag in advance and bring it with you.

Buddy up. Most everything is more fun with friends. Use the buddy system for increased workout accountability and enjoyment. If showing up or making time to exercise is your biggest challenge, having someone to be accountable to could be all you need.  Join group here.  
Sleep and rest well. Quality sleep makes for effective exercise, and helps ensure that you have the mental gusto to show up. Cultivate a healthy sleep schedule, and stick to routine sleep and waking times as often as you can.

Cut yourself some slack. Aiming for perfection can work against you. If you miss a workout, don’t beat yourself up. Instead, consider it a rest day and get back on it the next day. If you find yourself unable to stick to your goals, reassess. It’s better to work out at a lower intensity or for less time for a while than not at all. If you’re still struggling, seek guidance from a qualified sports trainer or I would be happy to help.  Doing so doesn’t show weakness, but strength.

Written by August Mclaughlin

Monday, October 5, 2015

Tips For Pushing Yourself Harder

So you’ve taken the first step and have started an exercise program. Congratulations! That’s often times the hardest part of getting fit. But once you’ve been doing the same thing for a few weeks, you might want to think about upping the intensity of your workouts. Results follow performance, so if you don’t advance your workouts, then your results will stagnate. Here are some tips and tricks to help you push yourself harder.

1. Have a goal
Whether you want to lose weight or get stronger, it’s a lot easier to push yourself if you know what you’re pushing yourself for. Having a fitness goal will help you stay on track and focused. Write it down. Tell your friends and family. Give yourself accountability. It’s important to have a goal that’s concrete, specific, and attainable. Don’t say, “I want to lose weight.” Instead, specify how much weight you want to lose and in what amount of time. This will let you measure your progress and keep you motivated through a period of time.

2. Have a plan
Once you’ve picked a goal, it’s time figure out how you’re going to reach it. Use a fitness program or connect with a trainer. Fitness shouldn’t be random; it should be planned. Start with something that’s on an appropriate level for your current fitness ability. Just like you wouldn’t run a marathon without training for it, you shouldn’t jump off the couch and into the most intense workout possible. “The toughest part of an exercise program is seeing it through to the end, so you don’t want to sabotage it by making things too tough out of the gate,” says Steve Edwards, Beachbody’s VP of Fitness and Nutrition. “Basically, just doing it is plenty…at first.”

3. Switch it up
Once you’ve become comfortable with the workouts, then it’s time to start pushing yourself a little bit harder. But remember, you have to work up to it first. Depending on how fit you are in the beginning, the amount of time you should wait before you ramp up the intensity varies. “It takes your body between three and 12 weeks to adjust to new exercise,” Edward says. “The fitter you are, the quicker you respond. With that in mind, you’ll want to schedule a program that mixes things up from time to time.”
Edwards explains that it’s easy to make your muscles sore in the beginning of a program, but you always want to keep a little bit in reserve. “You want a little soreness, but not too much,” he says. “As soon as you’re not getting sore anymore, pick up the intensity.”
There are a few ways to crank your workouts up a notch. You can go faster, jump higher, or simply lift more weights. “Change bands or add weight so you’re close to failing, and sometimes fail, near the end of every set,” Edwards says. “This added intensity will force your body to adapt and turn that improvement line skyward.”
Another way to push yourself to the max is by combining multiple workouts into one day. This is a great idea, especially if you’re training for something like a triathlon, Spartan race.

4. Focus on all the pieces 
When you’re pushing your body to its limits, you need give it everything it needs. This includes rest and correct nutrition. For a shorter program, like 21 Day Fix, you don’t really need to incorporate rest days into your workout schedule. However, longer programs, like P90X, Turbo Fire, have recovery weeks built into them. Active recovery allows your body to keep moving, but it also helps your muscles become refreshed and reenergized.
In addition to taking care of your muscles, you also need to fuel them. Food fuels your body, but only clean food will give you the fuel your body needs to push yourself as hard as possible. “Junk food is referred to as ‘empty calories’ because it tends to be low in vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients,” explains Denis Faye, Beachbody’s Director of Nutrition Content. “Missing some of those nutrients, such as iron or various B12 vitamins, has an direct effect on energy levels. Other nutrient deficiencies can be more insidious, like the way a lack of iodine might eventually impact your thyroid.”
Not only do you need to eat the right kinds of foods, you also need to eat the right amounts. In order to have the energy to push yourself hard, you need to eat enough so you don’t feel lethargic or unfocused. “Plateaus are a pretty good indicator that you’re under eating,” Faye says. A fitness plateau is when you’re not losing any weight, but you’re not gaining it, either. By upping your calorie intake, you can give your body more fuel to help you effectively power through tough workouts.

5. Get reinforcements
Supplements can be extremely helpful when you’re body is exerting lots of energy for a long time.  Supplements aren’t just for endurance athletes – they can be just as helpful (and important) for any shorter workout regime. Pre-workout drinks, like Energize, can pump you up to go all out in a workout. An extra boost of energy can do wonders when you’re lifting heavier weights or doing cardio for longer than you’re used to.
And when you start feeling the soreness that was mentioned earlier, you don’t have to suffer through it all alone. Recover and Recharge help reduce post-workout muscle inflammation, and also help with the muscle rebuilding process. So not only will you feel less sore, but you’re muscles will also get an extra boost to become even stronger.

6. Stay motivated
Fitness can be just as much of a mental exercise as it is physical. Some days you’ll just want to give up, but that’s when it’s key to push yourself.  Keep your eye on the prize so you can reach the goal you originally set for yourself. “There’s only one way to get there and that’s by exercising and watching what you eat,” Edwards says.

7. Stay safe
Although challenging your body helps your fitness improve and progress, you should never push yourself to the point of injury. “You need to learn the difference between good pain, which is being sore, and bad pain, which signals an injury,” Edwards says. “Good pain gets better over time. Bad pain gets worse.” He explains that this is why it’s important to start your program with some caution, and then build up steadily as your body gives you feedback. “Exercise is a constant dialog with yourself,” he says.
If you have a hard time deciphering the good pain and the bad, it can be very useful to have a trainer or to follow a program without veering off course. “It gets tricky, however, once you finish a program,” Edwards adds. If you’re in great shape and want to keep going, that can be fine, but it can also be a good idea to give yourself some rest and recovery to see how your body really feels. “This doesn’t mean no exercise, but it means to slow down a bit and reflect,” he says. “It’s why many of our programs come with suggestions for maintenance schedules.”
Your body is capable of great things, so you shouldn’t sell yourself short. Use this month as an excuse to push yourself harder, and follow these tips to make your body the best it can be!

Article written by  Hannah Rex