Saturday, February 28, 2015

Can Vicks Rubbed on Feet Help A Cough?

My Grandpa was a firm believer in using Vicks for almost every affliction. To help a cough. You rub it on the soles of your feet, then put some socks on.

When my children were little. I used this. It worked really well. However, I did not take them outside with it on. If we did have to go anywhere, I made sure to give them a bath first, to wash away the vicks.

Most of the time, it takes being desperate, to try something like this. That is what I would call what happened with me. It was after my first child was born. I had a difficult time in the delivery. She was a 7 pound baby, but she was turned wrong. We are blessed to both be here today. I had hemorrhoids the size of golf balls, afterwards. I was miserable. My Grandpa said "Put some Vicks on them, it will help." I was not to thrilled at the thought of that. A couple days went by, I kept thinking of what my grandpa said. So I broke down and tried it. Oh my the cooling sensation. The effects of applying Vicks directly onto a hemorrhoid (when the skin isn’t broken) is an almost instant cooling and soothing sensation and hemorrhoid shrinkage. In some cases, shrinkage has been stated as being instantaneous, reducing the hemorrhoid in size dramatically, as much as 50% in some cases within a few minutes.

How have you used Vicks?

Friday, February 27, 2015

Get your 21 Day Fix here.

You have probably heard of the 21 Day Fix. It is a great way to shed some pounds fast. Need to lose some weight for a special occasion? Got ya covered! Get your copy here! I also have Clean Eating Groups. Not quite sure what that is? It's ok I got ya covered. Go to Send me a message, add me as your friend!

Know why most diets don't work?
Because they don't make it easy to lose weight and keep the weight off. 21 Day Fix makes it simple to enjoy the foods you love—without calorie counting!

It's not another diet. In fact, it's EXACTLY the opposite. 21 Day Fix lets you EAT! Only in just the right portions, so you don't feel miserable and deprived - but you CAN finally start losing weight.

What's the secret? The seven exclusive containers. Each one is color-coded for a different kind of food, and pre-measured for the precise portion. You'll never have to "eyeball" your measurements again—if it fits in the container, you can eat it!

Combine this eating plan with one 30-minute workout a day. That's all. It's that simple!

6 easy-to-follow workouts on 2 DVDs

Ready for a major calorie burn in only 30 minutes? The workouts are short so you can get in, get out, and get on with your day. The workouts will challenge you at every level to help maximize fat loss. And there's always a modifier on screen to show you how to dial down the intensity without losing the benefits.

If you would like to purchase the 21 Day Fix go here---->

Monday, February 23, 2015

Don't Be So Hard On Yourself!

This is easier said than done sometimes.  We tend to want to wait until we have reached our goals to be proud of it.  Don't wait until you've reached it.  Celebrate the little accomplishments along the way!  We also tend to be overly critical of ourselves.  I know that I am diffidently guilty of this one.  I am my own worse critic!  Every step we take gets us closer to our goal!

The more we do something the more you improve, right?  Just like when our child learns to take his first step, and say their first words.  We get excited and feel proud.  That is what we need to do for each step closer we get to our goals!  This way if you look at it like this, every step is bringing you closer and closer to your goal. Celebrate the pure fact that you have the courage and determination to take those steps.  I know that sometimes our directions change, or we may not end up where we originally planned to be. Then what?  How miserable would we be if we only celebrated outcomes?  Let's start working on celebrating all the hard work we put in to obtain our goals.

Before anyone else can believe us, we have to believe in us, right?  Stop being so hard on yourselves, me included.  Be proud of how far you've come, so far!  Don't give up!