Monday, August 31, 2015

Stay Positive On Your Weight Loss Journey

Stay Positive!!

Are you wishing for that magic trick to quickly get rid of those excess pounds?  And don't forget the six pack abs, and cut muscles.  That kind of thinking can actually hinder us on our journey to getting fit, and living a healthier life.  Here are a few tips to help you along the way. 

Pay Attention To Non-Scale Victories

It is good to weigh, and there may be others that disagree with me on this one, but sometimes we can get to fixated on the numbers on the scale.  I'm not saying don't weigh at all, use it to gauge how well your doing, but don't let it send you in a downward tailspin.

Breakdown Your Goals

So it's good to have a big goal, but break down your big goals into smaller goals.  Maybe have a weekly goal.  Make sure that it's realistic.  Your goal may be to lose 50 pounds.  So you may say my goal this week is to lose two pounds.  So for the week your goal is for the two pound weight loss.  Don't think about the 50 pounds.  Only think about losing the 2 pounds during that week, and when you reach that goal you are allowing yourself to feel good about that accomplishment, and you're still working toward your bigger goal.  Each week, gradually make your workouts more challenging, more reps, or heavier weights, workout a little longer.  Maybe kick the workouts up a notch, with higher intensity.  You can make new goals for each week.

Be Reasonable  

Don't go on crash diets, thinking you will get faster results.  Yes, there have been some folks that have done so and lost lots of weight, but guess what, they don't feel better, and their results don't last and they learned nothing about living a healthier lifestyle.  The extra weight didn't get there overnight, and it will take some time to get it off.  If you eat a clean diet, and exercise, you will feel better and have more energy, and you will see great results.

Don't Limit Your Challenges

You can do more than you think you can.  Nothing worth having comes easy.  What about how you feel after that workout!  You feel dedicated? Muscles are sore that you didn't even know you had.  Soon, you get excited to see what your results will be.  You will surprise yourself, it will motivate you to keep going!  Your getting stronger by each passing day!  You are creating your own magic!



Monday, August 17, 2015

Train Like There Is No Finish Line! It's A Lifestyle!

The meaning of life is not to "simply exist".  It's meant to move forward, to achieve, and accomplish more.  To conquer! 

One day a light switch comes on that tells us we aren't getting any younger, and we need to start taking better care of ourselves.  It may have been getting out of breath when walking, or taking the stairs.  Whatever the reason is, listen to it! 

What exactly does it mean to live a healthy lifestyle?  Some folks may have a different opinion of what it means to them.   If you were to look it up, it would say:  healthy lifestyle is one which helps to keep and improve people's health and well-being.  Doesn't really give you much more than that. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being. Interestingly enough, health is not simply defined as just the absence of disease. 

The actual definition of Healthy Living is the steps, actions and strategies one puts in place to achieve optimum health. Healthy Living is about taking responsibility and making smart health choices for today and for the future. Eating right, getting physically fit, emotional wellness, spiritual wellness and prevention are all apart of creating a healthy lifestyle. Since the entire YOU, meaning all aspects of one’s self, must work in harmony to achieve wellness, you need to put balanced energy into each aspect of yourself.

Living a healthy lifestyle often depends on one's ability, and willingness to live healthy.  Situations change and challenges come along and create twists and turns.  Don't let the twists and turns create roadblocks.  Envision yourself healthy and fit.  Some things to help you would be:

Envision Yourself Healthy and Fit

Do you think you can think yourself thin?  There are studies that say it's possible.  Get you some visual pictures of what you want to look like, put it somewhere you will  you will see it, like the fridge or bathroom mirror. 

Make A Goal   

Think about what you want to change.  Use S.M.A.R.T goals.  Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Realistic, Time-based.  Pair Up!  Encourage a friend to set healthy goals, too.  Check in with each other to help stay motivated.  Write it down.  Write down your goals somewhere you look often, like the refrigerator door.  Reward yourself. Treat yourself for a job well done.  A little reward for progress can go a long way toward helping you achieve your goals.


Pay attention to your portions sizes.  Meal plan, using Clean eating, Paleo, or Vegan.


Get at least 30 minutes of exercise daily. 

Manage Your Stress

Ask yourself, "Will this matter to me a year from now?" If not, why are you getting so wound up?

Sleep Better

Don't let sleep troubles linger for months or years. Get to a sleep specialist earlier rather than later, before bad habits set in.

Improve Your Relationships

Healthy living isn't just about your personal habits for, say, diet and activity. It's also about your connections with other people -- your social network.

Challenge Your Mind

Participating in mentally stimulating activities, especially activities that involve other people, may be good for the brain.

We should always be appreciative and grateful for life and what we have.  It's an ongoing battle to better yourself, to push your limits.  You may as well enjoy your journey! 

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

New Beachbody On Demand Exclusive Workouts!

Today is a Big day for Beachbody On Demand: #BOD  Not only is the Challenge Du Jour (CDJ) a first ever gym-based workout series called "Equipment Room" with Sagi Kalev aka The Beast, there will also be Q&A videos with Sagi and Autumn Calabrese.  There will also be workouts from Tony Horton and Autumn Calabrese you may have never seen before!  BOD is quickly evolving into the center of the health and fitness universe!  The workouts will change daily.   

What is the Challenge Du Jour?  Special select workouts from the Beachbody catalog. The workouts chosen will change daily for a balanced, well rounded fitness regimen.  No schedule is provided for these workouts.  You just log on each day to find out what the workout will be for the day.  You will not be able to access the previous day's workout, you will only be able to view the current workout.   So don't let the day slip by without doing your workout!    

There will be more added every month!  You can watch from any of your devices that have internet connection, or from your Roki, Amazon Fire or Chromecast!  Today's CDJ is Back & Shoulder's, a comprehensive back and shoulder workout to strengthen, define and build the power triangle.

So be sure to log in everyday to check out the new workouts that are added for the day!!  
As always you can contact me at 
You can find me on Facebook 
I look forward to connecting with you! 

Want a Free Trail of Beachbody On Demand?

Monday, August 10, 2015

Be Fearless In Your Pursuit Of Excellence

Make it your goal to live boldly!  You are in charge of your life!  Imagine the person you want to be, and the life you want to live, then commit to it.  Believe in yourself, embrace your beauty, and the healthy lifestyle you crave.  Discover, or re-discover your passion to be healthy and fit.  Don't be afraid to make a splash.  Dive right in!  The biggest mistake you can make in this life is continually fearing you'll make one.   Start living your life fearlessly.

You have a choice at who you are and the person you'd like to become.  You can change your life through choices you make and the actions you boldly take to bring those choices to life.   Make positive changes in your life.  Begin living your goals, dreams and desires. 

Our healthy lifestyle journey begins with the desire to become healthy.  We all have our "Why"  we want to pursue our goal.  What is our motivation to achieve the goal?   We want to be healthy and fit, and of course, fit into anything we want to wear, and be comfortable in wearing it.

We can't turn back the hands of time.  Once it's gone, it's gone, it's over.   "What if" is the worse question you can ask yourself, especially when you know the answer.  So stop reading and get that workout in! 

It's up to you to take the first step!