Saturday, May 30, 2015

Home Grown Produce is Always Good!

I had been anticipating this moment since the first day of spring!  It sure was nice to bite into a little piece of heaven today!  The anticipation was worth every bite.  The benefits to growing your own far exceed the work they involve. The veggies and fruits always taste better because they are vine ripened. And, there is nothing…and I mean nothing, better than a vine ripened tomato. If you’ve never experience a home-grown tomato, you need to put it on your bucket list NOW.

Tomato, Onion, and Cucumber Salad

4 homegrown, vine ripened tomatoes (about 2 lbs), cut into wedges
2 cucumbers, sliced into circles,
1 small onion, thinly sliced and separated into rings
1/2 cup of white distilled vinegar (you can also use red wine vinegar but I like the bite of the white)
1 cup of water
1 tsp good Himalayan sea salt
1/4 cup of extra virgin olive oil

Once everything is chopped add it to a large bowl with a lid. Mix water, vinegar, oil, and salt in a separate bowl and then pour over the veggies. Allow the veggies to marinate in the fridge for at least 2 hours. It is even good made a day ahead.
*Some people don’t like the way the tomatoes get juicy in the mixture (I don’t mind it). If you are one of Those people, you can add the tomatoes 30 minutes before serving. 

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Don't compare yourself to others weight loss path!

Sometimes it's difficult to not compare ourselves to others.  We want the best out of life, and sometimes we can get competitive.  If we start examining our achievements and accomplishments, then we can raise the bar even further.  

It is natural to compare ourselves to others.  We even envy them sometimes.  But when you become obsessed with your  flaws, rather than where you excel, you are focused on the wrong things.  That can crippling and it can prevent you from taking part in many aspects of your life.  Constant comparison with others tends to lower your self-esteem and make you feel bad about yourself.  

Resist the urge to compare yourself with others by becoming aware of how you view yourself.  If you are doing this, set goals for yourself that will build your confidence, and relearn behaviors that will improve your opinion of yourself.  Pay attention to how you view yourself. 

Self-esteem can be described as your positive or negative evaluations about yourself.  We all have good and bad days, and how we feel about ourselves often changes daily.  Do you have a good opinion of yourself?  Do you allow others to control the way you feel about yourself?  If you find yourself looking to others to determine your self-esteem, you need to work on your own happiness.

Comparative behavior happens when you compare yourself with other people, whether they are in superior or inferior positions to you.   

Example of positive behavior is when you compare yourself to someone with qualities you admire.  Rather than just envy this person for their good quality, like a caring person, you strive to be more caring.  

Negative would be, you compare with someone who has something you want.  Example: You are jealous because they lost weight.

The hardest step in weight loss is taking it slow.  As soon as you start focusing on losing weight you start seeing paying attention to the ones around you, at the gym, at work, everywhere.

Everyone reacts to losing weight and fitness differently.  My workout changes may make different muscle changes on me, than yours do on you.

What's really hard is when you and your friend started with the same workouts at the same time. But she lost twice as much weight than you did.  Then the comparisons can become negative.  Like why can she lose weight so fast and I can't?

Don't compare yourself to others weight loss path!

The very idea that our goals aren't happening as fast, can send us into a tail spin.  That in itself can lead to some bad decisions.
We will stop what has been working and go at a slower pace, or worse stop and go back to bad habits.  We try something new, but not always a healthy one.   That can set us back even more.
Keep positive and support yourself.  Be happy for and congratulation others.

If your friend was able to buy herself a single digit pair of jeans, and that's been your goal.  Be happy for and congratulate her!  You've been sweating right there with her, and who better than you knows how hard it is to stay motivated! 

Look in the mirror and ask yourself what are you planning on doing today!  Stick to the plan!

Celebrate the small goals you are reaching and keep your eye on the ball!  There are setbacks no matter what you are trying to accomplish.  Don't beat yourself up, that can cause an avalanche of negative decisions. 

No Matter What, Keep Going!

The amazing thing about encouragement, it can stick with someone when they need it the most.  It takes a lot to go up to a friend, or even better a stranger, and offer them a compliment.  A real heartfelt compliment.  It also takes a lot to accept one.  (Not good at that)

Tell yourself next time you look in the mirror.  I love you!  Keep going! 

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Getting Your Head In The Game Of Weight Loss

Getting Your Head In The Game Of Weight Loss

We know what we have to do to get the weight off, but knowing it and doing it are two different things.  We know that we have to decrease our calories and increase our exercising. 

To change your weight, first change your mind
Research shows that one of the most important factors that influences weight loss success is your attitude – whether or not you believe (and keep on believing) that you can make the changes you need to make to lose weight, and that they are worth doing. This is because what you think, affects how you feel, and in turn the actions you take.
The best way I can describe this positive mindset is ‘getting your head in the game’ about food and weight. It’s not something I can easily put into words – but you will know when it happens. From my own personal experience, I truly believe that it is the key to success.  Don't try to go it alone.

Understand Why You Eat

Sometimes hunger is at the bottom of the list as to why you eat.  Do you struggle to know what true hunger feels like?  We are truly blessed in this country to have all the food we have to eat. 

Do you find yourself in the fridge, even though you've recently eaten?  If your answer was yes, then you know hunger isn't the reason.  More than likely some negative emotions like:  feeling angry, lonely, sad, stressed, anxious, bored, has triggered a habit of using food to feel better.

The urge to eat can be so much of a habit,  that you feel your lack of willpower is out of control.  This is a learned conditioned response.  If something triggers the response, then you want to eat.  You can break this habit.


How to break the habit

The first step is to identify when these urges strike. When you find yourself at the fridge when you aren’t hungry, ask yourself ‘why do I want to eat? What am I feeling?’
Think back to why you feel the urge to eat.  Then ask yourself is there another way you can feel better without food?  Find something that works and make a new habit.  The more you do the new habit, the more the eating when you're not hungry hold becomes weaker.
Practice Positive Self-Talk

When you look in the mirror do you talk to yourself like the following?  "I'll never be slim.  I've only lost a measly 5 pounds in four weeks.  And I broke my diet last night.  I may as well give up."  Or do you say "This is going so well, that pound has really made a difference.  I enjoyed a treat last night, now I'm really looking forward to watching the next  5 pounds disappear."
Both of these are examples of ‘self-talk’ – automatic thoughts, or statements all of us constantly make to ourselves - which influence how we feel and act. Self-talk must be positive and constructive.
If you've had on and off battles with your weight over the years, it's highly likely that you have been talking negatively about yourself more than being positive.
Self-talk that says 'you're hopeless', can make you feel like a failure which, can trigger you into the action of overeating and or totally giving up trying to lose weight.
One thing I can tell you is that the self-talk you put in your mind stays there, so if the last thing you said to yourself, is that 'I still look fat' or 'I will never be slim' that feeling is what stays in our minds.
How to Do It

The trick is to recognize that you are talking about yourself negatively. Keep a diary of your feelings.   Turn the negatives into positives. Stay on track.   Tell yourself 'You Can' Believe that you can...because You can! 

Remind yourself of your why

It helps you to regularly remind yourself of why you are making changes, it helps to keep you motivated.  It doesn't just happen.  You have to practice it.    Ask yourself, if you really want to eat that food in front of you.  This becomes the prompt for you to make a conscious choice, weigh the pros and cons of making that choice. 

Picture Yourself Thin

Visualize your future self, six months to a year down the road, and think of how good you'll look and feel without the extra pounds. Dig up old photographs of your thinner self and put them in a place as a reminder of what you are working toward. Ask yourself what you did back then that you could incorporate 

Have Realistic Expectations

When doctors ask their patients how much they want to weigh, the number is often one that is realistically attainable.  Have a realistic weight range instead of a single number.
Look ahead 12 months, and would you be happier being 12 or even 24 pounds thinner?  That only amounts to 1-2 pounds per month, which is totally doable!

Set Small Goals

Make a list of smaller goals that will help you achieve your weight loss goals. These mini-goals should be things that will improve your lifestyle without wreaking havoc in your life, such as:
Eating more fruits and vegetables every day.
Getting some kind of physical activity for at least 30 minutes a day.  Every day.
Drinking less to no alcohol, if you do only on weekends.
Eating low-fat popcorn instead of chips
Being able to walk up a flight of stairs without gasping for breath. 
We all know that change is hard and it is especially difficult if you try to make too many changes, so start small and gradually make lifestyle improvements.

Get Support

We all need support, especially during the tough times. Find a friend, family member or support group you can connect with on a regular basis. Studies show people who are connected with others, whether it's in person or online, do better than dieters who try to go it alone.

Create a Detailed Action Plan

Plan your healthy meals and fitness for the week.  Planning ahead is 80% of the battle.  If you're equipped with a detailed plan, results will follow.
Schedule your workouts like you would an appointment.  Pack healthy snacks or meal replacement bars so you won't be tempted to eat the wrong kind of foods.
Make your health a priority by building such steps into your life, and ultimately these healthy behaviors will become a part of your daily routine.

Reward Yourself

Give yourself a pat on the back with a trip to the movies, a manicure, or whatever will help you feel good about yourself and your accomplishments.  (Do Not Use Food!)
Reward yourself after you have met one of your mini-goals or lost 5 pounds or even a few inches around your waist, so you recognize your hard work and celebrate the steps you are taking to be a healthier you!

Ditch Old Habits

Old habits die hard, but you can't continue to do things the way you used to if you want to succeed at weight loss.
Slowly but surely, try to identify where you are engaging in behaviors that lead to weight gain and turn them around with little steps that you can easily handle without feeling deprived.   
Get rid of tempting junk food!   Clean out your pantry and fridge, and replace it with healthier options.

Keep Track

If you are working out every day and you are eating healthy, don't go so much by the scale but how you feel.  How your clothes feel.  I am not saying don't weigh at all.  Just not daily.  Take your measurements.  Keep a journal detailing what you eat, how much you exercise and your emotions.  Keeping track of this information helps promote positive behaviors and minimizes unhealthy ones.  Tracking your food intake could help you resist that piece of cake. 
Journals are a form of accountability, that help reveal which strategies are working.  When you are accountable, you are less likely to have food disassociation's.

Monday, May 25, 2015

21 Day Fix! Meal Plan and Shopping List Download

The 21 Day Fix is by far one of the best fitness programs that I have personally done.  It is awesome at getting results quickly! It takes all the guess work out of it....  If you want to lose weight really fast, this is the program for you!!  A lot of people today are looking for the fastest weight loss systems, but many end up disappointed because many of the programs fail.   The program consists of 2 important parts – the simply fitness plan, and the simple eating plan. The Simple Fitness Plan includes six, easy-to-follow workouts that you need to do for 30 minutes every day. The calorie-burning exercises are made short so you can easily get in and out, and get on with your day.  

1.     Total Body Cardio Fix. Includes moves that keeps your heart rate up and your metabolism revved up even post workout.
2.    Upper Fix. Includes targeted resistance training which is excellent for shaping your abs, arms, chest, back, and shoulders.
3.    Lower Fix. Designed to tone and firm your entire lower body while you scorch fat and calories.
4.    Pilates Fix. Intended to strengthen your core, elongate your muscles, and firm your hips and thighs.
5.    Cardio Fix. Includes body weight movements like jumping jacks, burpees and more to get your heart pumping as you shed off pounds.
6.    Yoga Fix.  Designed to help improve your strength, balance, and flexibility as you relax your muscles.

Unlike many diet programs that has a lot of food restrictions, the simple eating plan works by employing portion control process that does not involve counting, guessing, or wondering. You can enjoy delicious, healthy food without having the need to count calories. It comes with seven color-coded containers and Shakeology shaker cup that deliver exactly the right portions every time. That way, you do not have to eat too much or too little. You simply fill up the containers with as much food as you want. As long as the food fits, you can certainly eat it.  You can download a  Meal Planner  here to help you to succeed.   You can also download a  Shopping List here.

The containers include:
1.     Green – vegetables
2.    Purple – fruits
3.    Yellow – carbohydrates
4.    Red – protein
5.    Blue – healthy fats and cheese
6.    2 Orange – seeds and oils
7.    Shakeology Shaker Cup – Superfoods drink

Who Can Do It?
Although created by a female trainer, the program works for both men and women who want to lose weight fast, or have a lot of weight to lose. If you want a flexible eating plan or have failed at complicated diet systems before, too busy to commit to longer workout hours or prepare complicated meals, and want a healthier lifestyle, this system is for you. While anyone can do it and a modifier is available, it is recommended to consult your doctor or healthcare provider for advice prior to committing to this program especially if you have a medical condition or physical limitations.

It only requires 30 minutes of your time each day. Excellent for those who cannot commit to longer workouts or those who lead very busy lifestyles.

§  Easy to follow. Although workouts are designed to challenge you at every level to maximize fat loss, there is always a modifier to show you how to adjust the intensity without losing the benefits. You get to do different moves every day so it does not have to be boring. The eating plan is also uncomplicated and if you are okay with eating simple meals, you will have no trouble sticking to it.

§  Guarantee. It allows you to try the entire program for 21 days but if you happen to be unsatisfied with the results, you can simply send it back within 30 days for a refund.

Friday, May 22, 2015

A Time to Remember, Memorial Day Weekend!

Memorial Day is for remembering the men and women that lost their lives while serving our great country.

On Memorial Day, the flag of the United States is raised briskly to the top of the staff and then solemnly lowered to the half-staff position, where it remains only until noon.  It is then raised to full-staff for the remainder of the day.
The half-staff position remembers the more than one million men and women who gave their lives in service of their country. At noon, their memory is raised by the living, who resolve not to let their sacrifice be in vain, but to rise up in their stead and continue the fight for liberty and justice for all.

We live in the land of the free, because of the brave! I am forever grateful for their sacrifice.  I hope you have a great weekend!  

Monday, May 18, 2015

Be Stronger Than Your Excuses!

Be stronger than your excuses!  Let's face it, we can come up with so many reasons why we shouldn't do that workout, eat that healthy version of the meal.  So be stronger than any excuse you mind will come up with to skip the workout or the healthy meal!!  You can do it!  Keep going!  #MotivationalMonday

Monday, May 11, 2015

Motivation Monday!!!

Monday May 11, 2015

Always concentrate on how far you've come, instead of how far you have left.   Think about the strength and endurance you've gained! Take pride in knowing that you started and are continuing on with your health journey! Sometimes our world puts too much focus on what we lack instead of what we have accomplished along the way. Something to think about.  Ask yourself where were you a year ago? Celebrate the little things!  Realize our lives are a constant work in progress!   

Friday, May 8, 2015

How To Make Your Own Smart Water!!

When you look into the ingredients of a bottle of SmartWater what do you find?  It's distilled water with a few minerals added.  Why not make your own smart water and for  a lot less money?!  Bonus, it will be a little healthier for you! 


Himalayan Sea Salt

Drinking water is a MAJOR part of our health survival.  Distilled water is the purest form of water available.  Distilled water has no minerals or electrolytes. To make our smart water we will need to add Himalayan Sea Salt.  

Regular table salt is heavily processed, Himalayan Sea Salt is minimally processed and contains up to 84 natural minerals.  Himalayan Sea salt is even purer than regular sea salt, which has become contaminated by pollutants.  The elements in Himalayan Sea Salt promotes a stable pH, it also aids with absorption of food particles through the digestive tract, and regulates water content throughout the body.  Prevents muscle cramps, and it helps support cellular function.

I found my Himalayan Sea Salt at Wal-Mart.  If you can't find it locally you can always order it online.  It is great for cooking!  I love it on my grapes and apples as well, but I am weird like that.  Lol 

To make your Smart water, Mix 1/2 teaspoon Himalayan salt to one gallon of distilled water and shake extremely well. That’s it!
Make sure you get enough water during the day.  Take your weight divide the pounds by two, and drink that many ounces of water daily.  Example:  If you weigh 150 pounds, you'll need to drink 75 oz of water daily.

Try it and let me know what you think!