Monday, September 7, 2015

Why Are We So Hard On Ourselves

If our friends treated us the way we treat ourselves, they wouldn't be our friends very long.  What if, you had a friend that every time you screwed up, they were there to tell you, "I told you so".  I mean what are friends for?  To be there to encourage us to do our best.  Someone we can lean on when things get rough.  Someone who, well, has our back. 

Why do we do this to ourselves?  We are so horrible to ourselves!  For some of us, the negative self-talk is so bad, that its abuse!  We have such an impact on what we tell ourselves.  For instance, "I don't deserve to be happy" or "What can't I be more like so and so".  It affects our confidence, our daily mood.  It just sets the day up for failure. Negative self-talk damages our growth and can hinder our relationship with others.

This has serious consequences, and people do it all the time.  Why?  What did we do to deserve this kind of damage?  Self-esteem that is so low that we think we need to talk to ourselves like this?


Sometimes, we know what we are doing, and it can be difficult to stop the self-bashing. Stop doing it!  You are an awesome person!  The Lord made you the way you are.  You are on an exciting journey!  Life is awesome, and needs to be lived with joy and excitement!  You deserve better!  Your self-esteem needs to be built up, not torn down.  Is there anything wrong with reminding yourself how wonderful you are?  No!  That's right, we are our own best advocate, and we deserve to be treated with respect, and encouragement. 

We would lift up a friend in need of encouragement, why not ourselves? Our harsh words leave scars, and I don't think it ever goes away. 

And then, there is the fact that most of us, are not satisfied with something about our bodies. I believe that being a woman, that is inescapable, but we need to work on that.  We never see ourselves as others see us. 

What can we do about it?  Stop the negative self-talk, live an active lifestyle, eat a clean, healthy diet, at least 80 percent of the time, and embrace our bodies, with imperfections and all.  Let's (myself included) work on being our own best friend, instead of our own worst enemy!

Let's motivate each other to be the best version of ourselves, and lift each other up!  Next time you catch yourself thinking that negative self-bashing thoughts, stop and tell yourself you are worth more, and think about something positive about yourself.  Do this until you break the cycle.  You are worth so much more!  Happy Motivation Monday!!  Happy Labor Day!! <3

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