Monday, October 12, 2015

7 Ways to Stick With Exercise

Staying fit is a super power, wellness-wise. Exercise can improve your energy levels, sleep quality, body composition, and overall health. While these perks are great, hectic lives can make sticking with an exercise program tricky. Simple shifts in your behaviors can help minimize these barriers, making reaching and maintaining your fitness goals almost as easy as pushing play.

Set reasonable goals. Start with activities that seem attainable and reasonably challenging, then set a goal to engage in that activity at least a few times per week. Most wellness perks, according to the 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, kick in if you do a minimum of 150 minutes of moderately-intense exercise per week. That’s just over 21 minutes a day.

Schedule it. Prioritize workouts in your calendar like anything else. Schedule routine sessions at times that make the most sense within your lifestyle. Many people find it’s easier to stick to an exercise routine in the morning while others find they have more energy in the afternoons. But neither is ideal if the time isn’t convenient for you. Experiment with various options until you find one that works.

Get the gear. Ideally, your workouts won’t require a lot of equipment. Regardless, stock up on whatever you need to get started and choose quality gear, especially when it comes to particularly important items, such as athletic shoes. Wearing colors and textures you enjoy may also help keep you motivated to suit up and head out.

Plan ahead. Prepare your gear ahead of time to prevent skipping workouts. If you schedule your workouts for the morning, set your fitness attire out the night before. If you plan to exercise on your way home from work, pack a workout bag in advance and bring it with you.

Buddy up. Most everything is more fun with friends. Use the buddy system for increased workout accountability and enjoyment. If showing up or making time to exercise is your biggest challenge, having someone to be accountable to could be all you need.  Join group here.  
Sleep and rest well. Quality sleep makes for effective exercise, and helps ensure that you have the mental gusto to show up. Cultivate a healthy sleep schedule, and stick to routine sleep and waking times as often as you can.

Cut yourself some slack. Aiming for perfection can work against you. If you miss a workout, don’t beat yourself up. Instead, consider it a rest day and get back on it the next day. If you find yourself unable to stick to your goals, reassess. It’s better to work out at a lower intensity or for less time for a while than not at all. If you’re still struggling, seek guidance from a qualified sports trainer or I would be happy to help.  Doing so doesn’t show weakness, but strength.

Written by August Mclaughlin

Monday, October 5, 2015

Tips For Pushing Yourself Harder

So you’ve taken the first step and have started an exercise program. Congratulations! That’s often times the hardest part of getting fit. But once you’ve been doing the same thing for a few weeks, you might want to think about upping the intensity of your workouts. Results follow performance, so if you don’t advance your workouts, then your results will stagnate. Here are some tips and tricks to help you push yourself harder.

1. Have a goal
Whether you want to lose weight or get stronger, it’s a lot easier to push yourself if you know what you’re pushing yourself for. Having a fitness goal will help you stay on track and focused. Write it down. Tell your friends and family. Give yourself accountability. It’s important to have a goal that’s concrete, specific, and attainable. Don’t say, “I want to lose weight.” Instead, specify how much weight you want to lose and in what amount of time. This will let you measure your progress and keep you motivated through a period of time.

2. Have a plan
Once you’ve picked a goal, it’s time figure out how you’re going to reach it. Use a fitness program or connect with a trainer. Fitness shouldn’t be random; it should be planned. Start with something that’s on an appropriate level for your current fitness ability. Just like you wouldn’t run a marathon without training for it, you shouldn’t jump off the couch and into the most intense workout possible. “The toughest part of an exercise program is seeing it through to the end, so you don’t want to sabotage it by making things too tough out of the gate,” says Steve Edwards, Beachbody’s VP of Fitness and Nutrition. “Basically, just doing it is plenty…at first.”

3. Switch it up
Once you’ve become comfortable with the workouts, then it’s time to start pushing yourself a little bit harder. But remember, you have to work up to it first. Depending on how fit you are in the beginning, the amount of time you should wait before you ramp up the intensity varies. “It takes your body between three and 12 weeks to adjust to new exercise,” Edward says. “The fitter you are, the quicker you respond. With that in mind, you’ll want to schedule a program that mixes things up from time to time.”
Edwards explains that it’s easy to make your muscles sore in the beginning of a program, but you always want to keep a little bit in reserve. “You want a little soreness, but not too much,” he says. “As soon as you’re not getting sore anymore, pick up the intensity.”
There are a few ways to crank your workouts up a notch. You can go faster, jump higher, or simply lift more weights. “Change bands or add weight so you’re close to failing, and sometimes fail, near the end of every set,” Edwards says. “This added intensity will force your body to adapt and turn that improvement line skyward.”
Another way to push yourself to the max is by combining multiple workouts into one day. This is a great idea, especially if you’re training for something like a triathlon, Spartan race.

4. Focus on all the pieces 
When you’re pushing your body to its limits, you need give it everything it needs. This includes rest and correct nutrition. For a shorter program, like 21 Day Fix, you don’t really need to incorporate rest days into your workout schedule. However, longer programs, like P90X, Turbo Fire, have recovery weeks built into them. Active recovery allows your body to keep moving, but it also helps your muscles become refreshed and reenergized.
In addition to taking care of your muscles, you also need to fuel them. Food fuels your body, but only clean food will give you the fuel your body needs to push yourself as hard as possible. “Junk food is referred to as ‘empty calories’ because it tends to be low in vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients,” explains Denis Faye, Beachbody’s Director of Nutrition Content. “Missing some of those nutrients, such as iron or various B12 vitamins, has an direct effect on energy levels. Other nutrient deficiencies can be more insidious, like the way a lack of iodine might eventually impact your thyroid.”
Not only do you need to eat the right kinds of foods, you also need to eat the right amounts. In order to have the energy to push yourself hard, you need to eat enough so you don’t feel lethargic or unfocused. “Plateaus are a pretty good indicator that you’re under eating,” Faye says. A fitness plateau is when you’re not losing any weight, but you’re not gaining it, either. By upping your calorie intake, you can give your body more fuel to help you effectively power through tough workouts.

5. Get reinforcements
Supplements can be extremely helpful when you’re body is exerting lots of energy for a long time.  Supplements aren’t just for endurance athletes – they can be just as helpful (and important) for any shorter workout regime. Pre-workout drinks, like Energize, can pump you up to go all out in a workout. An extra boost of energy can do wonders when you’re lifting heavier weights or doing cardio for longer than you’re used to.
And when you start feeling the soreness that was mentioned earlier, you don’t have to suffer through it all alone. Recover and Recharge help reduce post-workout muscle inflammation, and also help with the muscle rebuilding process. So not only will you feel less sore, but you’re muscles will also get an extra boost to become even stronger.

6. Stay motivated
Fitness can be just as much of a mental exercise as it is physical. Some days you’ll just want to give up, but that’s when it’s key to push yourself.  Keep your eye on the prize so you can reach the goal you originally set for yourself. “There’s only one way to get there and that’s by exercising and watching what you eat,” Edwards says.

7. Stay safe
Although challenging your body helps your fitness improve and progress, you should never push yourself to the point of injury. “You need to learn the difference between good pain, which is being sore, and bad pain, which signals an injury,” Edwards says. “Good pain gets better over time. Bad pain gets worse.” He explains that this is why it’s important to start your program with some caution, and then build up steadily as your body gives you feedback. “Exercise is a constant dialog with yourself,” he says.
If you have a hard time deciphering the good pain and the bad, it can be very useful to have a trainer or to follow a program without veering off course. “It gets tricky, however, once you finish a program,” Edwards adds. If you’re in great shape and want to keep going, that can be fine, but it can also be a good idea to give yourself some rest and recovery to see how your body really feels. “This doesn’t mean no exercise, but it means to slow down a bit and reflect,” he says. “It’s why many of our programs come with suggestions for maintenance schedules.”
Your body is capable of great things, so you shouldn’t sell yourself short. Use this month as an excuse to push yourself harder, and follow these tips to make your body the best it can be!

Article written by  Hannah Rex

Monday, September 28, 2015

Announcing The Master’s Hammer and Chisel! Coming Soon!

 Autumn Calabrese (21Day Fix) and Sagi Kalev (Body Beast). What if we were to tell you they’ve teamed up on a workout program together?

Announcing The Master’s Hammer and Chisel, a 60-day program that will help you craft a defined, visually-dramatic physique. Calabrese and Kalev — both award-winning fitness competitors — joined forces to create this one-of-a-kind workout that will sculpt you from head-to-toe. We can’t share too many details just yet, but if you want to find out more, watch the video below!

The workout is designed to build powerful muscle and shed body fat, and build a ripped statue-perfect physique.  
Will there be a modifier in the workout?  Yes!
How long are the workouts?  30-40 minutes long.  From what I know, the workouts will be intense.  You will burn lots of calories and lifting heavy weights for the short workouts. 

Will you use the Fixate cookbook and the 21 Day Fix Container system?  Yes! You will be able to use both.  The workout incorporates the container system, and it will have a path to getting ripped and building muscle.

What will this program do for you?  You will look great!  You'll gain endurance, balance, agility, flexibility.  

When will the workout be available to purchase?  December.  There will be a sneak peak on Beachbody On Demand in October.  Don't have Beachbody On Demand?  Get it HERE

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Progress Is Progress No Matter How Small

Have you ever worked out religiously every day, just to have the scale not budge?  Of course you have!  The scale doesn't tell the whole story, though.  However, our body is changing. Just relax, and let clean eating, and workouts do it's magic.  Every time we workout our heart is getting stronger, our circulation is getting better, our body is changing.  All those changes have to take place before we will start losing weight.  

I know you've heard the saying, "No matter how slow you go, you're still lapping everybody sitting on the couch."   Sometimes it feels like we aren't getting anywhere, and we can get a little discouraged, especially since we want to see results, like yesterday!

"Believe in yourself and all that you are.  Know that there is something that is greater than any obstacle." - Christian D Larson

Every step towards our goal is progress.  "Never give up a dream just because of the time it will take to achieve it." - Earl Nightingale

It is a slow process, you are not going to lose 50 pounds in a month, and sometimes, we can get discouraged because someone else is losing faster, and more weight than we are.  Don't let that discourage you!  You are still making progress as long as You Keep Going!! Let this post be your motivation to continue on your journey to get healthy.  Every little step towards your goal, is progress no matter how small.

I want to encourage you, to keep going with your health journey.  Do whatever it takes.  You've got this!  

Monday, September 7, 2015

Why Are We So Hard On Ourselves

If our friends treated us the way we treat ourselves, they wouldn't be our friends very long.  What if, you had a friend that every time you screwed up, they were there to tell you, "I told you so".  I mean what are friends for?  To be there to encourage us to do our best.  Someone we can lean on when things get rough.  Someone who, well, has our back. 

Why do we do this to ourselves?  We are so horrible to ourselves!  For some of us, the negative self-talk is so bad, that its abuse!  We have such an impact on what we tell ourselves.  For instance, "I don't deserve to be happy" or "What can't I be more like so and so".  It affects our confidence, our daily mood.  It just sets the day up for failure. Negative self-talk damages our growth and can hinder our relationship with others.

This has serious consequences, and people do it all the time.  Why?  What did we do to deserve this kind of damage?  Self-esteem that is so low that we think we need to talk to ourselves like this?


Sometimes, we know what we are doing, and it can be difficult to stop the self-bashing. Stop doing it!  You are an awesome person!  The Lord made you the way you are.  You are on an exciting journey!  Life is awesome, and needs to be lived with joy and excitement!  You deserve better!  Your self-esteem needs to be built up, not torn down.  Is there anything wrong with reminding yourself how wonderful you are?  No!  That's right, we are our own best advocate, and we deserve to be treated with respect, and encouragement. 

We would lift up a friend in need of encouragement, why not ourselves? Our harsh words leave scars, and I don't think it ever goes away. 

And then, there is the fact that most of us, are not satisfied with something about our bodies. I believe that being a woman, that is inescapable, but we need to work on that.  We never see ourselves as others see us. 

What can we do about it?  Stop the negative self-talk, live an active lifestyle, eat a clean, healthy diet, at least 80 percent of the time, and embrace our bodies, with imperfections and all.  Let's (myself included) work on being our own best friend, instead of our own worst enemy!

Let's motivate each other to be the best version of ourselves, and lift each other up!  Next time you catch yourself thinking that negative self-bashing thoughts, stop and tell yourself you are worth more, and think about something positive about yourself.  Do this until you break the cycle.  You are worth so much more!  Happy Motivation Monday!!  Happy Labor Day!! <3

Monday, August 31, 2015

Stay Positive On Your Weight Loss Journey

Stay Positive!!

Are you wishing for that magic trick to quickly get rid of those excess pounds?  And don't forget the six pack abs, and cut muscles.  That kind of thinking can actually hinder us on our journey to getting fit, and living a healthier life.  Here are a few tips to help you along the way. 

Pay Attention To Non-Scale Victories

It is good to weigh, and there may be others that disagree with me on this one, but sometimes we can get to fixated on the numbers on the scale.  I'm not saying don't weigh at all, use it to gauge how well your doing, but don't let it send you in a downward tailspin.

Breakdown Your Goals

So it's good to have a big goal, but break down your big goals into smaller goals.  Maybe have a weekly goal.  Make sure that it's realistic.  Your goal may be to lose 50 pounds.  So you may say my goal this week is to lose two pounds.  So for the week your goal is for the two pound weight loss.  Don't think about the 50 pounds.  Only think about losing the 2 pounds during that week, and when you reach that goal you are allowing yourself to feel good about that accomplishment, and you're still working toward your bigger goal.  Each week, gradually make your workouts more challenging, more reps, or heavier weights, workout a little longer.  Maybe kick the workouts up a notch, with higher intensity.  You can make new goals for each week.

Be Reasonable  

Don't go on crash diets, thinking you will get faster results.  Yes, there have been some folks that have done so and lost lots of weight, but guess what, they don't feel better, and their results don't last and they learned nothing about living a healthier lifestyle.  The extra weight didn't get there overnight, and it will take some time to get it off.  If you eat a clean diet, and exercise, you will feel better and have more energy, and you will see great results.

Don't Limit Your Challenges

You can do more than you think you can.  Nothing worth having comes easy.  What about how you feel after that workout!  You feel dedicated? Muscles are sore that you didn't even know you had.  Soon, you get excited to see what your results will be.  You will surprise yourself, it will motivate you to keep going!  Your getting stronger by each passing day!  You are creating your own magic!



Monday, August 17, 2015

Train Like There Is No Finish Line! It's A Lifestyle!

The meaning of life is not to "simply exist".  It's meant to move forward, to achieve, and accomplish more.  To conquer! 

One day a light switch comes on that tells us we aren't getting any younger, and we need to start taking better care of ourselves.  It may have been getting out of breath when walking, or taking the stairs.  Whatever the reason is, listen to it! 

What exactly does it mean to live a healthy lifestyle?  Some folks may have a different opinion of what it means to them.   If you were to look it up, it would say:  healthy lifestyle is one which helps to keep and improve people's health and well-being.  Doesn't really give you much more than that. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being. Interestingly enough, health is not simply defined as just the absence of disease. 

The actual definition of Healthy Living is the steps, actions and strategies one puts in place to achieve optimum health. Healthy Living is about taking responsibility and making smart health choices for today and for the future. Eating right, getting physically fit, emotional wellness, spiritual wellness and prevention are all apart of creating a healthy lifestyle. Since the entire YOU, meaning all aspects of one’s self, must work in harmony to achieve wellness, you need to put balanced energy into each aspect of yourself.

Living a healthy lifestyle often depends on one's ability, and willingness to live healthy.  Situations change and challenges come along and create twists and turns.  Don't let the twists and turns create roadblocks.  Envision yourself healthy and fit.  Some things to help you would be:

Envision Yourself Healthy and Fit

Do you think you can think yourself thin?  There are studies that say it's possible.  Get you some visual pictures of what you want to look like, put it somewhere you will  you will see it, like the fridge or bathroom mirror. 

Make A Goal   

Think about what you want to change.  Use S.M.A.R.T goals.  Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Realistic, Time-based.  Pair Up!  Encourage a friend to set healthy goals, too.  Check in with each other to help stay motivated.  Write it down.  Write down your goals somewhere you look often, like the refrigerator door.  Reward yourself. Treat yourself for a job well done.  A little reward for progress can go a long way toward helping you achieve your goals.


Pay attention to your portions sizes.  Meal plan, using Clean eating, Paleo, or Vegan.


Get at least 30 minutes of exercise daily. 

Manage Your Stress

Ask yourself, "Will this matter to me a year from now?" If not, why are you getting so wound up?

Sleep Better

Don't let sleep troubles linger for months or years. Get to a sleep specialist earlier rather than later, before bad habits set in.

Improve Your Relationships

Healthy living isn't just about your personal habits for, say, diet and activity. It's also about your connections with other people -- your social network.

Challenge Your Mind

Participating in mentally stimulating activities, especially activities that involve other people, may be good for the brain.

We should always be appreciative and grateful for life and what we have.  It's an ongoing battle to better yourself, to push your limits.  You may as well enjoy your journey!